amburg Copenhagen Malmö
heatre Arts

Katrin Weisser - Actress
What is one of your favorite memories? The first kiss of my oldest, when she came to earth
Describe yourself in max three words. caring, persisting, curious
What is a sound you love? the sound of the ocean at the west coast
Who was your hero when you were a child? my older brother
You are an artist because…. I could never became a tax consultant.. Quite early I noticed that it was very easy for me to make people laugh by telling funny stories or imitating someone, so I took the chance to go for the whole way
German actress Katrin trained at Celler Schloßtheater / Stage School of Music, Dance and Drama, Hamburg and is based in Denmark. She has had a successful career in TV, film and theatre including the highly successful TV series “ Gegen den Wind” , the Bestseller film adaptation “ In search of an impotent man”, Portia in “ The Merchant of Venice “ at Schauspielhaus Kiel, Henrik Ruben Genz's feature film “ Tordenskjold og Kold”, Parminder Singh's satirical series Partiets Mand, Danish television’s “ Arvingerne and most recently in the comedy series Hånd i Hånd II.One of her biggest successes in Danish theater is the role of Clara Schumann in Clara – Indre Stemmer, which played to full houses on tour around Denmark for years – and later Brecht's Refugee Conversations in the intense performance Immigranten. In 2018/2020 Katrin played the world-famous composer Alma Mahler to full houses at Theatre Republique. Katrin gives theatre concerts such as Brecht’s “ Refugees conversations “ with music written by Bent Fabricius Bjerre and most recently KREUTZERSONATE with Daniil Trifonov and Nikolaj Szeps Znaider. Katrin has also directed among others, the performance Lonely House during the Copenhagen Opera Festival and Mozart's Der Schauspieldirektor at Det Kgl. Opera Academy.In 2023 Katrin starts rehearsals for Katie Mitchell’s “ Ariadne auf Naxos” at the Royal Operahouse in Copenhagen.
Vodka Talks (actress-voice mother), Berlin Berlin (actress)
Photo credits gallery: to be announced