amburg Copenhagen Malmö
heatre Arts

No Exit - Reloaded

Cast: Kevin Kiernan-Molloy, Jana Pulkrabek, Dina Rosenmeier, Astrid Lund

Directed by: Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen
Light Designer: Paul Damade

Stage Manager: Angelique Giroir

Video Design: Jack Wake-Walker

Written by: John Foster
Produced by: Manusarts GmbH / Jana Pulkrabek

Presented at

HIT-House of International Theatre, Huset-KBH 4th floor, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 Copenhagen,
Date: 29.9.-11.10.2017

Fotos: Filip Orestes Misiak
What have you done? Why are you in hell? Yulia, sniper and spree killer. Liam, commissioner of state murder. Kamilla, guerilla and black widow. Three killers trapped in a room for eternety. Each with their own story, their individual pathways to hell. Hell is other people.A modern retelling of Jean-Paul Sartre’s famous play by Bafta Award-winning playwright John Foster. Dark. Violent. Sexy.